#13 – democratic – “For the democratic for which…” Uh…

Ok, I admit this week’s directive is going to be a challenge!! And I HOPE I’m up for it!

So… democratic…how I am supposed to tie this to jeans, or ever come up with something unique.. everything I think of I feel like will be old and played out.. WHAT TO DO?!??! Getting a bit scared..

 hmm.. – Just what does democratic mean…  Well, I guess obviously our minds will turn to government.  We always talk about democratic.. republican.. democracy.. but what is it…

Do we live in a democratic society… well NO — but we always hear about it…how does it tie into our lives.  Don’t things always seem to come down to Democratic or Republican…

Well… it is “For the REPUBLIC for which..”  Technically ( at least to my understanding) The Federal Government is a Constitutional Republic, meaning that we are at the mercies of these deciding bodies..

BUT the individual states are representative democracy’s…  BLAH BLAH BLAH

In a democracy the majority wins… and each state has the opportunity to vote for their representatives, “these decision makers” and to vote for the president.. but the electoral college has the rep. of sort of fucking that whole popular.. majority.. you know..

So I pondered this whole concept.. trying to avoid the stereotypical democratic colors, symbols, themes… I am trying to think of something unique… and am horrified that I have to do this 4 more times!!!

Then it came to me.. a vote.. or poll does technically tie in with democratic.. so..

I turned to good old Facebook..

I decided to take a vote..  I Posted this vote on Thursday and waited until Friday so that It gave me some time to get some votes.  

Above are half of the results, I also polled another group and have added their votes into the results below.

My results are

Other : 29

Levi’s : 15

I could give a shit: 12

Lucky : 3

Diesel: 2

Wrangler: 1

Ok so, how I actually was planning to tie this in was that I seriously thought that the majority would choose or “vote for” I don’t give a shit.. however I was wrong.. but it still did get a large amount. What I was GOING TO conclude this post with was that the “ I don’t give a shits” represent the people who hold up our only attempt at least trying to embrace as much democratic  ideals in this nation as we can. By this I mean those people who don’t choose one way or another on an issue.. It doesn’t even have to be politics… with anything the loose end is always those undecided.. not interested people… COME ON PEOPLE THINK AND ENGAGE PLEASE.. I don’t care what you think or who you engage with .. but do something..

But I had to be proven wrong and those people had to just go ahead and actually vote on my poll.. and screw up my results.. HOW DARE THEY! Haha

Well while I am on this rant.. wouldn’t it sometimes be nice if there was an “OTHER” on a ballot…and I’m not talking a write in..because  unless you live in a 100 person town that is usually as useful and sitting on your ass watching tv.. JUST SAYING

# 12 – Tough – OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD

Ok so, This past weekend, when at the hotel the day before the fishing tournament, me and a few guys were out in the parking lot at the hotel, and I realized there was a full rainbow across the sky. A couple minutes later the rainbow turned into a DOUBLE RAINBOW, and well of course as soon as one of the guys saw it he started yelling and joking around. “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD IT’s  A Double rainbow!” you know the rest..

Well this got the attention of basically everyone around, and half of them followed suit and started joking around, while the other half were seriously in awe of such a beautiful sight.

Well after a little bit, I realized the guy who was joking the loudest, and saying all sorts of pretty funny things was wearing Levi’s, well I tried to get a picture, but only the one below showed up, none of the guy with the Levi’s unfortunately.

Ok so if you are COMPLETELY LOST at what I am talking about.. first off where in the hell have you been…and 2nd, watch the video below…

Well this whole episode got me thinking… and well, guys who wear Levi’s are tough right?… So, what if the dude videotaping the video above, had been wearing LEVI’S …I wonder how it would have gone…bet it would be a little different… (OK so I REALLY REALLLY wanted to record someone reading the script I wrote below, but I have not had time, and I am not really sure how to. IT would be SOOOO much funnier If it was a recording, so I am going to try to find someone to read it….everyone I have tried to get to can’t remain serious long enough to get through it… so we will see.. but for now here’s how I think a “tough” Levi’s wearing guy might sound.. )

HOLY SHIT, That’s a fucking double rainbow, seriously , damn, there’s two

Ha, feels like im seeing double, like Im crunk or some shit

Damn, this shits sick, Get it!

Oh my god, Fucccck Yeah, It’s a double rainbow son


Would you look at that shit, it almost looks like I’m seeing triple, better put down the pipe..

What in the hell does it mean…It’s kinda bright tho, good thing I got my baller shades on..

Gotta admit, Shit’s hot though, Hell yeah


TOO MUCH & all In my fucking front yard, pretty straight

I WONDER WHAT THIS MEANS, Should I take a hint or something…

Wait, I know what it means, I need to toughen up , stop sitting around videotaping rainbows and grow a pair!

Ok enough bullshit, gotta hit the gym, and take my Levi’s to the drycleaners, ya know go to the tanning bed, things real tough guys do…

#11 – Tough – Hookin’

This past weekend I went to VA Beach to compete in a Kayak fishing tournament.  Ever since last Wednesday, I had been trying to think of how I could incorporate Levi’s into a post about Tough and use my Kayak fishing trip.. I was really having a hard time. I mean I could have used a pair of Levi’s as a fish rag, or something like that.. but that didn’t really seem very, well, “cool”.

 I mean I could use anything as a damn fish rag, plus I got completely SKUNKED and didn’t catch a single damn fish, so that would have been useless. Yes, I am pissed, I mean this isn’t my first rodeo, I’ve fished down there for years and had done pretty freaking good for myself, but then when it’s the money catch, I can’t pull through a damn thing, now even a damn trash fish a spot croaker or something!. Well atleast I could some nice minnows in the cast net! Ha – Hopefully I will do better in a couple weekends in NC at the Oak Island tourney. My dad lives right by there and I KNOW those waters, so if I don’t at least come up with SOMETHING – I am going to be pretty damn ashamed of myself…

Ok venting aside… tough.. Levi’s… where were we..

So, HOW can I use this..

Then it hit me.. But you need to hear the back story to get it..

Now fishing from a Kayak isn’t quite as simple as from a boat, you’re stuck in very close                quarters, sometimes with some HUGH fish (I’M talking 40” + stripers and reds) or some tooth nasty suckers that can bite the hell out of you.

Last summer, among my injuries were.. a 30” “ribbon fish” jumping into the kayak and cutting my stomach pretty well, and a pretty nice bite from a big ole flounder.

But not only is it the fish that will bite, but those damn hooks can put some hurting on a person. I mean think about it.. when the only place to put the fish while de-hooking is in your lap… bad things are bound to happen..

While, I have never had the terror of being hooked, there is a very good and fairly well known fisherman in the tidewater area who has had …a few.. incidents this past year..

I mean this guy is no rookie– last week he just documented his 100th speckled trout of the year..   he basically lives on the water..

Well, lately he has also been becoming well known at area hospitals, because in the past two months he has managed to…

So , having terrified and probably grossed some of you out with those photos above.. let’s move on to the Levi’s tough part.

My idea was, since Levi’s jeans are TOUGH and probably tough enough to keep a hook out of you, or at least keep it from getting you all the way to the bone.. I thought I should make a pair of fingerless gloves out of Levi’s. Also for the leg injures you could either wear Levi’s or if it is too hot, I thought of the idea of cutting a piece that could stay around the thigh area.. but that’s sort of a stretch.

Well I have been trying for the past couple hour to figure out a way to get the damn gloves made, and I am just making a fucking mess! So since the important thing is the idea, I have thrown in the ..jeans.. and will NOT be making an example of said invention.. maybe if I get some extra time one day this semester I will play with it again.. but most likely .. Sorry just a concept!

# 10 – Tough – Don’t Let The Glitter Fool You

So, I have been thinking all weekend about how I can play with the directive, and have come up with many ideas. Some are going to take a bit of craftiness on my part, so I have not been able to post them yet, but they are coming.

When thinking about TOUGH, I think both about the strength of the jean material, AND the image that the jeans portray. Wear this and you will be one TOUGH DUDE! – So I know I was to play on both aspects of the word and plan to this week.

Today I went to Goodwill to try to find some Levi’s I can use to creat a few things, and I came across an interesting pair…

Now, this pair of jeans seems to go against the whole concept of  Tough, and actually goes the complete opposite direction.. well I LIKE A CHALLENGE and of course I had to buy this pair of jeans. I immediately started thinking about how I could overcome the obstacle provided by the design of these jeans, and leave you guys with a real TOUGH image in your heads. These things must have that hard Levi’s edge hidden in their..pretty little pockets.. somewhere. I just have to find them. And after a lot of thought I have figured out how.. well at least how I think I can.. we shall see. This is going to require that I go out in search of a few props, so if I don’t get the rest of this post done tonight, it is not because I wasnt working on it, I just probably got too damn tired!

So I will return and hopefully complete my train of thought..

Oh here are the pants that have challenged me!

I don’t know about you.. but for me..the word TOUGH just pops right in my head the minute I see these!

Ok, so my idea was to make these damn things look tough… so I went around and found all kinds of things that would help to make a kid wearing these look like a bad ass, I found fake tattoos, chains, all kinds of things. I was going to have a friends daughter put on it all and because she LOVES the camera, I knew she would enjoy acting tough.

Then I thought about it some more and I realized that was really taking the easy way out. So I decided to go a different route….

Luna is one tough bitch….

Ok, so MAYBE I didn’t get the effect I was going for…BUT I think I got my point across.

Oh, There were no animals injured in the making of this post, PLEASE DON’T CALL PETA! 🙂


# 9 – Introspective – Braving to Brand


Character – impressions which remain.
Traits – character’s building blocks
Judgment, which you can’t refrain
Judging’s not welcome, a paradox.

Forming an opinion is subjective.
Perceiving something external
Not force able or introspective.
Yet, connects with the internal

Victim to  interpretations
Steering beliefs’ a direction
Long journey of frustrations
Can’t be a single objection

Businesses stress day in & day out
The branding road is long and bumpy
Heads filling with doubt
Leaving the unsuccessful sad and grumpy

There are happy stories!
Give a brand attention
Cause sold out inventories
Success that needs no mention!

There are exquisite branders, believe it or not
Promoting strength of the seams

And the desire to be hot

Not quite as flowing and I had hoped, but I spent a long time on it, and ended up conveying the message I was going after. It is a long bumpy road out there, and we will all hit the rough spots, but once we actually succeed in what we are after, the feeling will be amazing!

# 8 – Introspective – Plato’s Forms

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave – Levi’s as the Highest Form

This image represents the Cave. There is a shadow of the jeans, the least real, a clay imitation of the jeans, still not the real thing, and then on the surface… “the true reality” the PERFECT form of the Jeans are what else but LEVI’s!

So, unless you have taken Western Philosophy, or studied Plato in any other capacity, this one probably doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to you.  I don’t want to write a book here, so I will try to keep the explanation somewhat simple.


First off,  the train of thought that led to this concept goes something like this..


Introspective, “the self-observation and reporting of conscious inner thoughts, desires and sensations” …..

Philosophy- “Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods.

Thus Introspection is the PHILOSOPHY of the MIND

So I began to think of Philosophers. And BINGO BANGO… Plato’s Theory of the Forms came to mind.. followed by his Allegory of the Cave.

Ok so.. Let’s try for an explanation of 100’s of years  worth of study in a few paragrpaphs..

Plato said that the reality we perceive is merely a representation of .. a more REAL reality, one which one can only attempt reach and understand through internal reflection INTROSPECTION & enlightenment.. He said that the objects we see in this reality are just MIMICS or SHADOWS of actual true FORMS. These forms are the PERFECT example of the object. This is true for every single object or thing we have ever seen or imagined in our lives…

For more information on this Google Plato’s Theory of the Forms and the Divided Line.

One way Plato explained the way we perceive these shadows and not the real objects, and how we really have no understanding of the world and the way to enlightenment is through the Allegory of the Cave.

The best way for you to understand this is to watch one of these videos.. I did not make either, just examples.

1 – FUNNY- This is a short & simple – This is a homemade comical very simple, but oddly accurate portrayal of the Allegory.


2. This is the actual Allegory, it is long, but interesting.


# 7- Introspective – Perfect Proportions


Perfect Proportions

Looks cool right, but you might be asking, why I used this picture under the directive of Introspective.

Well the picture is Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, sometimes called the Canon of Proportions.  While the drawing is based on ideal human proportions with geometry and really goes along the lines of Architecture,  the drawing has also been used in many situations in association with spirituality, chakras and self reflection.

It is also often used in the holistic medical field. Holistic Medicine in and of itself is sometimes based upon an introspective awareness of oneself. One site I looked was titled “Holistic Living, Health and Lifestyle Issues, Looking into Yourself: the power of Introspection”

In all honesty, I am not 100% sure how I came to this picture. It was a combination of thinking in introspective terms as being holistic and spiritual that for some reason caused this image to pop up in my head.

I decided that for Levi’s is can represent the precise proportions in relation to man’s anatomy.  The perfect fit. I also added the reflection on the bottom to tie it even further to self awareness and introspection.


# 6 – Introspective – Through the Looking Glass


^Click Above to view PDF^

As thinking about what being introspective meant to me, one of the things that came to mind was self reflection, which eventually lead me to Alice In Wonderland and Alice Through The Looking glass, I felt that these children’s tales where really one long journey of introspection. So I thought for a while about how I could link the two, and I came up with making the Children’s “book” that I posted here.

I wanted to use the Caterpillar, but I completely forgot that he only speaks in rhymes, so I had to come up with something, sorry if it is a bit corny!


So I realized that the PDF has only been viewed like 2 times.. I figured I would insert the pages as images instead.. Certainly want people to see my beautiful work – Ha!




# 5 – No Directive – Levi’s Genes

Who Says You Can’t Buy Good Genes ?!?

Okay.. Okay… So I used a Tagline… but come on… I couldn’t help myself!

 Anyways, the inspiration for this design actually came from our class discussion last week, at some point someone said “Good Jeans” couldn’t tell you the context it was said in or anything, but for some reason Genes popped in my head.. and well, I starting thinking about how I would make a nice little play on words. Sometimes something as simple can spark the creative juices to start working.

I created this image by using an image of jeans I took, and finding a high resolution picture of the Levi’s red tag online… then it was a LONG time of warping and messing with layers in photoshop but I finally got what I was looking for.

# 4 – No Directive – Mario’s Secret

Hey There!!!

What’s Mario’s Favorite Type of Pants?

Denim, Denim, Denim”           

(Think Mario Bro’s Underground Tune)   

But I’m sure you already knew that!!

 Mario rocks the Denim overalls not just because it is so stylish… they are also the key to his super strength. Mario was recently quoted as saying that the real reason he has been able to be so totally awesome is all due to the Levi’s overalls he’s constantly is wearing. Mario admits that during a few rough periods in his life he tried a few other brands, but there’s no comparison to the durability and strength he gets from his Levi’s.

WHO KNEW ?!?!?


Ok, so yes this is quite a cheezy post, and what can I say.. that’s what I was going for…

Actually my whole concept for this creation was how cool it would be to have a short little video game, where Mario hits a block, gets a Levi’s logo and BAM turns indestructible. BUT then I came back to reality and realized that was way out of my ability to create, so not wanting to spend more than a couple hours on 1 post, I decided to just take a Mario and add the Levi’s logo. Not quite as fun, but gets the point across!


# 3 – No Directive – Fatal Fashion

As I have mentioned before, I have literally been trying to relate most of the things I come across in life to the Levi’s Brand or Jeans, and as a result, here is yet another off the wall idea, concept, concern… that came to through a combination of things.

First while letting my mind wonder the other day about jeans… then blue… through jumbled, tangled thought process I came to think about the ocean… i.e.. Into The Blue.. The great powerful blue…blah blah blah… This brought to mind  photographs of waves crashing I had recently seen. These waves are so intense, after some thought I felt that hidden in these pictures displaying the strength, yet pliability of the crashing blue ocean there had to be some sort of connection with the durability, yet comfortable fit (pliablility..) of Levi’s jeans.

Well, I came up with some ideas.. making a collage of said pictures in the shape of jeans..having jeans blend into a crashing wave… but I felt that wasn’t quite relating the product enough.

After going through some more photographs, I started thinking about the sand…and DING, DING, DING .. SANDBLASTED JEANS.. somehow I could run with this. So, I googled Levi’s sandblasting and was surprised at what I stumbled upon.

Sandblasting jeans, you know making them look so worn in right from the factory… actually involved an extremely HARMFUL process, in which people are exposed to crystalline silica, a chemical that can cause silicosis, a fatal lung disease. It has actually been linked directly to many factory workers’ deaths. I was very pleased to find that Levi’s is actually an advocate for banning this process, and encouraging others to jump on the bandwagon as well.

Fashion should not be at the expense of someone life!

Well, with all of this information I thought it would be great to have a campaign encouraging others to let nature give your jeans the tattered, grungy look… or at least let it happen NATURALLY! I promise, wear those suckers enough and it will happen!!

Thus I was inspired to make the image below.

( And while my photoshop skills could have been better, I was trying to focus on the creation and thought than on the production, plus, I had actually already spent a long time researching this before I even started to photo.. only so much time in a day! )


 It is supposed to be depicting sandwash from a wave crashing covering the factory sandblasted jeans….a natural vs. chemical… I’m not saying go “Sandblast” your jeans by submerging them in crashing waves…ALTHOUGH….

 The Shorebreak Photos I used are shot by, Clark Little.. Worth Checking out, amazing!


Here is some more info on the Sandblasting Issue:



# 2 – No Directive – Tagged For Approval

For the past few days I have been trying to think everything Levi’s. Everywhere I go and everything I look at I think, could I incorporate that with this project somehow… and usually the answer is well, no.. not really.. but in trying to turn the world I saw into one big Levi’s Ad, I did come up with a few interesting ideas.

For me, the Levi’s Red Tag, is a pretty strong trade mark of the brand. This tag alerts people, “Yes, I’m Levi’s” and with this it brings the impression of durability, reliability, dependability, loyalty  ect. From the most obsessed Levi’s fans to those who just happen to own a pair, sight of the Levi’s Tag will ensure one that this is something to be TRUSTED.

Well, in combining my understanding of the “Red Tag” and my current Levi’s obsessed reality… I starting thinking about how great it would be if everything in life were marked with a tag, allowing us to make correct judgments about products, cars, animals, work, or even PEOPLE.

Thus I envisioned & created the image below.

My concept:

–          Identify the “good ones” in a speed dating setting. Play on the impact of the Levi’s Tag by tagging people who meet the Levi’s standards of:

“Loyal & Dependable”

If Only It Were This Simple To Pick The Right One

A Trusted Trademark Since 1873

Tagged For Approval

# 1 – No Directive – Bleached & Bare

While trying to relate to the Levi’s brand, and determine what it really meant to me, I thought back and tried to remember if I had ever actually owned a pair of Levi’s. While I am sure I owned a few pairs growing up, I honestly have only one memory of ever wearing Levi’s… well, actually briefly possessing a pair of Levi’s.

Why would I remember a pair of jeans from 15 years ago, you might ask… well the experience that unfolded due to said jeans left me with one of those memories that seems to file itself in your brain in a folder marked “HA! Just Try & Forget Me”!

In hindsight, it is actually a pretty funny story, but as a 10 year old girl, I found it anything but…So,  Here it goes..

Having grown up with two older brothers and no sisters, inevitably I spent most of my childhood as a pretty big tom boy. Weekends usually consisted of hanging out with mostly boys, building ramps & forts, skating, pretty much just trying to keep up and prove I didn’t do everything “Like a Girl”.

One day my brother was going through his old clothes and was about to toss a pair of old Levi’s into the pile for Good Will… Well, seeing that they would probably fit me, I decided to grab them and set out to have a fun little “Arts and Crafts” project.  Now I am not sure where this idea came from, probably trying to copy some picture I saw in a magazine or something I saw on TV.. but I was determined to make a pair of baggy, bleached, or acid washed jeans. ( Yes, this story takes place in the mid- 90’s, not the 80’s, but hell.. I was just a kid.., don’t hate!)

So,  I took those jeans, some rubber bands, a tin bucket and some bleach and went to town. Wanting to make sure I really got some super white parts, I thought it would be a good idea to let them soak for a while… a couple hours later I pulled out the jeans, threw them in the washer, hung them to dry and thought  “ Tomorrow I am going to look bad-ass wearing these while skating around the neighborhood. All the guys are gonna be jealous..”

The next morning I threw on the jeans, grabbed my stuff and set out up the hill to where all the guys were hanging. And guess what.. I was right, everyone thought I was THE SHIT.. (poor things..kids are so easily brainwashed..). Well the day was going great and I was so proud of my hand me down Levi’s Jeans. This perfect day, quickly shifted gears however, when I decided to sprint off down the hill, trying to catch up with the guys.  After only a couple of strides… I began to feel a nice little breeze, which I quickly realized was due to the fact that in those few steps I had managed to split about 85 % of the seams in my Bad-Ass New Jeans , leaving me with very little clothing to grace my lower half. FYI!! APPARENTLY.. bleach and cotton fibers don’t get along too well!!! 

Well, needless to say, all of my friends witnessed quite a show and were laughing hysterically at me. I, being just a 10 year old fragile girl, was MORTIFIED. Fleeing the scene as fast as possible, I just continued to run down the hill, across the street and didn’t stop until I was safely in my room. I distinctly remember how angry I was as I stuffed those Levi’s into the trash and out of my sight forever.

So, you’re probably thinking, aren’t we trying to promote the Levi’s brand.. not throw it under the bus. And while, yes, my story paints a rather cloudy image of Levi’s Jeans strength and durability, it also enticed me to search and see if Levi’s sells Factory Bleached Acid Washed jeans, premade and durable, and I was pleased to find that YES, they have made those types of jeans in the past. So, with the half glass full mentality, this story is meant to highlights the versatility of jeans that Levi’s provides. They make a style of jean for almost every style of life. And now due to this project, I plan to go out and find the perfect pair of Levi’s and restore my faith in the brand.

Oh – a word to the wise, I read that when trying to bleach jeans, NEVER let them soak longer than 20 Minutes… if only I had the internet at my fingertips back then….

* The pictures in this post just serve as examples, I am glad to say, I have no actual photo evidence of that day.*